Our Slow Living retreats at Samudra are designed to take you on a journey through transformational holistic therapies rooted in ancient wisdom and teachings. A journey where you will be held in our community to discover yourself again and celebrate all that you are.

In this world we are living in today there is a need for real connection - to our bodies, to nature, to community, to our hearts. Within our physical body we hold all our pain and suppressed emotions. Within our nervous system our belief systems, memories and gifts. Within our energetics our ancestry and the destiny of our soul. Everything we need is already within us.

You are your own healer, all that is necessary is the right environment and correct tools to access your inner ability to heal yourself, to love yourself and access your innate wisdom.

Here at Samudra our mission is to create a safe and sacred space for you to gather alongside like-minded people and take this transformational journey to discover your true potential and the calling of your heart and soul.

Comforted by healthy home-cooked meals, a peaceful natural environment and plenty of sunshine; Samudra is a home away from home for you to feel nurtured, supported and loved for exactly who you are.


Our retreats are for you if…

+ You feel disconnected from your body and your emotions

+ You are feeling burnt out, anxious and stressed

+ You would like to reconnect with your truth and confidence

+ You are unable to let go of your pain and trust yourself

+ You are ready to explore your inner world and connect to your innate wisdom

+ You are in a life transformation or feeling it is time to start a new chapter and want a space to help you transition

+ You are longing to embrace your true self and find your power

+ You desire to meet other like-minded people who are on the same path of living in authenticity and high vibration and make friends for life

+ You are looking for more than just a yoga retreat, rather an immersion on all layers of your being - to dance, laugh, cry, unite, share and connect back to who you are at your core

+ You would like to be close to the sea, the stars and wild nature

+ You are skeptical or unsure about spirituality/holistic healing but would like to experience what it has to offer in a gentle way