We are a group of like-minded individuals from different corners of the world, living on the island of Gozo. It is through community that we can learn, grow and expand deeper - as each individual can bring forward their unique personal influence and skills, which when brought together becomes a whole.

Co-founders Luca, Jade and Mila opened Samudra in January 2023, with a vision to share the beauty and serenity of the slow living lifestyle they live on Gozo Island. Together they have over 30 years experience in retreats, holistic practices, teaching and service. Living on Gozo they are enchanted by the deep sea that surrounds the island, bringing with it much wisdom, guidance and magic to those who visit - and so Samudra opened its doors to provide a safe space to journey within on this ancient land.

Samudra (समुद्र) is a Sanskrit term for ocean, literally meaning "gathering together of waters" (saṃ- meaning "together" and -udra meaning "water".


  • MILA | CO-FOUNDER, Yoga, Tarot Readings, Sharing Circles, Workshops

    Mila’s early life as an actress led her to explore the human body and its capacity through movement in theatre, where she spent 30 years as artistic director and teacher of the arts. This journey led her to realise that we are more than just a physical body, and this is how, why and when she came across and then fell in love with Yoga.

    For over 25 years Mila has been immersing herself in holistic health, self healing and eastern philosophy, and studying the vast lineages of ancient spiritual wisdom. She has studied and practiced Tai Chi, Reiki, Ashtanga Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Tarot, Astrology, and is a qualified Vegan and Vegetarian Nutritionist.

    Mila left the world of theatre to dedicate her time to spreading the light on Yoga. Holding a wealth of knowledge.

    Mila is our head chef at Samudra, bringing you homemade nutritious food with that extra mama touch.

    Mila wishes for everyone to discover the healing that occurs when we unite our minds with our hearts​. To find the clear path where there is no hesitation but only truth.

  • JADE | CO-FOUNDER Host, Dance Meditation, Tarot Readings, Sharing Circles

    Jade landed on the island 8 years ago after spending her earlier life working as a carer in her home land Australia, and in England for over 10 years. With her vast experience living as a carer for over a decade, Jade provides a warm and supportive presence as your host here at Samudra.

    Jade will be bringing you inspiration, play and exploration through Dance. Jade has been dancing for a decade, finding that dance is a perfect tool in which one can release emotions through movement, in a comfortable space, and having loads of fun.

    For over 15 years Jade has been practicing and studying the art of Tarot, connecting to divination and mysticism. Her intuitive nature has guided her on a path of being close to magic, and now Jade is sharing her passion here on retreats.

    Jade wishes for everyone to feel completely comfortable in their own rhythm of life, and to celebrate their unique way of being.

  • Luca | CO-FOUNDER Reiki, Meditation, Ceremonies and Rituals

    Welcome to our community. I am here as your guide and friend during your time at Samudra. My love language is creating a safe and nurturing environment, for one to rest and feel comfortable in. I host the retreats, alongside Jade and Mila, providing everything you need to feel comfortable.

    My work is to bring people together in a sacred space to remember why we are here on Earth in this human form. To share ourselves together and be seen in our authentic expression, to be accepted and loved for who we are so we are no longer hiding in our shadows. We all have a unique soul purpose, and it is our birth right to live it and share it.

    The Yogic lifestyle has been a best friend to me over the past decade, helping through illness and struggle. Before moving to Gozo I spent 5 years studying and teaching Yoga and Ayurveda between India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Portugal. I have worked on many retreats around the world, and always had a dream of creating a community retreat centre. Samudra is this manifestation come to life.

    My wish is for you to join our family and experience a safe space where you can adventure into your own heart, learn, grow and most importantly play!

  • IRIS | Massage Therapist

    Hi, my name is Iris.

    I see myself as somebody who moved from modern western science to work and live a more holistic style, understanding the combination of both as a way to lived the life in balance.

    From Spain, a lover of travel, I have spent many years of my adult life travelling around different parts of the world.

    I studied Pathological Anatomy and Cytology in Spain working in various hospitals as well as research work for six years in inmuno-neuroscience laboratories.

    Spending one year in Australia, I worked as a massage therapist actively learning from experienced Chinese, Japanese, Korean professionals, an absolutely wonderful learning experience! One that marked the beginning of my passion.

    Since then I haven’t stopped to get deep in bodywork techniques, doing Yoga courses and different styles of massage therapies trainings like Thai Massage, Dynamic Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Wuo Tai, Craniosacral and Lomi Lomi Nui, doing a combination of the different styles with the goal to offering the best of myself in each therapy.

    I became a massage therapist because I believe that treating the physical body is a way to help people to bring their own healing to the non-physical body.

  • BEATRICE | Yin Yoga Teacher and Energy Healing

    « Breathe, smile and enjoy the ride »

    Originally from Brussels (Belgium), and after many years in Paris and Hong Kong, Beatrice landed in 2020 on the beautiful island of Gozo, a place that she now calls home.

    During her years in Hong Kong, where she worked for a cinema tech company, she started her healing and spiritual journey. First with yoga, which soon became a daily practice when she realised the amazing benefits for the body, mind and soul. After a few years of having to deal with extreme stressful events in both personal and professional aspects of her life, she developed her interest in complementary natural holistic therapies such as energy healing, breath work, sound therapy…

    In Hong Kong and also in Bali, which holds a special place in her heart and her healing journey, her path crossed healers, shamans, alchemists who taught her about their philosophy and practices and helped her develop her own natural healing abilities.

    She currently holds a Level 3 Reiki certificate (Usui Reiki), a Therapeutic Support Certificate and is also a certified Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Meditation teacher (YACEP Yoga Alliance).

    Beatrice’s healing sessions are a mix of different techniques, integrating breath, meditation, chakra work... Each session is unique and different, depending of the energy of the person and the present moment. She loves how they can help people feel better and deal with their physical, mental and emotional challenges in their every day life.

  • KEVIN | Sound Healing, Ceremonies

    From the Maltese Islands, Kevin and has spent most of his time living here in Gozo. From his time spent in South America learning from indigenous cultures, hosting and running medicine circles for many years, Kevin brings a unique perspective to the retreats.

    Kevin brings his gifts of working with sound to the space, to take you on a deep heart awakening journey. Kevin’s ethos is that as humans we are here to simply feel, and so he provides a safe container in which you can truly connect with yourself behind the identity.

    Have a conversation with Kevin and you’ll find yourself in a thought provoking soul enquiry. Kevin brings another realm to the retreats, a wild and enticing space to be in.

  • SANKARA | Sound Healing, Bodywork, Biohacking

    She is a question maker, a seeker, a finder, a doubt destroyer, a creator of possibilities... Her passion is to dig very deep in the mind and flesh... into the unknown, into what anybody can see, dive under the waters of our emotional body and find the iceberg to fully understand the bigger and whole picture. Touch is her love language, She guesses it was a gift she was born with, but something she discovered after a lot of suffering... When her own awakening and healing journey started the gift of healing through touch came with it. She started learning with the Mayan tribe in Guatemala and Mexico, exploring different cultures and modalities, then she came back to Europe and continued researching and practicing other somatic techniques. Realizing that it doesn't matter which technique you use, there's no better or worse no right or wrong... There's only the connection through Mind and Body, what is going to lead your transformation. Now her purpose is to prevent disease, support realignment and hold others in their awakening and healing journey.

  • PAUL | Bookings, Finances, Island Tour, Transfers, Pick-Up's and Handyman

    Paul started his professional career as an actor and stand-up comedian. Realising he could not act (and was not that funny), he quickly moved into arts/cultural management and for the past 40 years has been a director, producer, manager, consultant and trainer in the arts/culture sector working in over 30 countries across Europe. Although Paul is the oldest member of the Samudra team he very much feels part of its very special family!